Bright Future
This is the fifth in my series of brand types. This one I call "Bright Future" and it's one of my favorites. All the brands are completely or mostly plastic free. Many 'zero-waste' sustainable brands have the really dull cardboard stock look that to me personally does not spark joy. Brands like these show that you can buy sustainable products without sacrificing the quality, fun and style. Take Dip for example, it's my favorite shampoo & conditioner period. Not just favorite sustainable, favorite overall. Kate Assaraf created such a great product. This is what the world needs more of!
Gen-Z & Millennials
15-35 years old
Wants eco-friendly products that are still high quality
Likes colorful fun designs
Prefers products with a fresh citrus & fruity scents
Only buys from brands that are mostly plastic free
Price Per Product: $10-50

For this category there are a lot of different colors, they tend to be pastel or bright in saturation.

Most common packaging materials are Paper, Aluminium and Glass.
