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Skincare at Sephora US 2022 - Beauty Industry Report

Skincare at Sephora US 2022 - Beauty Industry Report

Published 2022 April 18th.

This industry Market Report looks at all skincare brands currently available at Sephora in the US. This report is created independently without any outside editorial input from Sephora or any of the brands included in the report.


The report includes 92 skincare brands currently available at Sephora in the United States. Brands that offer body care and no facial skincare products and brands that are mainly in the sunscreen category have been excluded.


The reason we choose to look at Sephora is because it’s a benchmark for the industry. Every new beauty brand talk about having the goal to get into Sephora. If this is your ambition it will serve you to understand what the market looks like.



  • Info

    • PDF format
    • 90 Pages
  • Report includes

    • Overview
    • Brand Info for 92 brands (country, year founded, pricing, ownership, keywords, certifications)
    • Newly Added Brands
    • Removed Brands
    • Notable Brands
    • Brand performance on Instagram  (rank, followers, engagement, growth past year)
    • Popular Products
    • Product Trends
    • Product Pricing & Size (product categories & type. Ex; Anti-Aging Serum etc.)
    • Statistics (Diversity, target audience, brand pricing, packaging color etc)
    • Gap Analysis
$1,200.00 Regular Price
$360.00Sale Price

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